When it all feels a bit much

Photography by: @karolina_brazz

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed. Not exactly by drawing. Though even that can seem much, because there are so many beautiful things I’d like to draw and also have some wonderful orders to do that 24h in a day is simply not enough to get it all done. But that’s not what I mean by feeling overwhelmed. When running an art business, especially with social media which is crucial for business success these days but moves and changes so quickly it can feel impossible to stay on track,  stay relevant, share your work, run a business, and find time to draw, socialize and sleep.

I wish that being a successful selling artist would simply mean that I have to draw, create something new and be good at it. Today drawing is not enough. I also need to be a social media expert, understand marketing, be a video editor, photography editor, model, accountant, and business manager and I am sure there are a few other hats one has to wear these days I forgot to mention.

It feels a lot. And the worst part is if you let all of that sit on your shoulders long enough it can cause anxiety that keeps you from simply sitting down and creating. Truth be told, sometimes I let all that noise get to my head and it stops me from drawing at all. But what I am learning lately is that sometimes you just have to tell yourself “ forget about all of that today, just draw. You can figure out the rest tomorrow.” And those days, are the best days.

With love,

P.S. If you are a creative yourself, I would love to hear how you shut all the outside noise out to be able to simply create. Please share in the comments.